My boyfriend, Wilfred had a stand in the Sci-fi centre for Jurassic Park, so we went there to set it all up so it will be ready for the weekend. I didn't have to help, I just went along because we were staying in a bungalow off site for 4 days and they picked me up on the way there. Being on the grounds before the Big event is actually really awesome. There is an atmosphere of excitement and expectation and all the stands and re-enactment camps are setting up, all excited about what is to come. The park is beautiful too...Castle Arcen is a wonderful location with lavish gardens in many different styles. I enjoyed walking around the herb gardens and Japanese gardens, sitting by the fountains, in the sun...
The stand set up looked good and later that evening we went to the camping site where we had a nice, filling meal in the restaurant before heading to the little bungalow. We made everything as comfortable as possible and went to sleep early because these events really take a lot out of you.

The next morning we awoke with the loud boom of thunder and quite a down pour! I had a feeling it would all let up though and got dressed with a good feeling and positive energy. I went as a clown again, not quite the same as my Castlefest outfit but more or less the same idea. :-)
I did my make up in the car and by 10, when the event opened I had butterflies in my stomach as I entered the Castle gates. It really is a whole different world. Knights and Ladies, Furries and Princesses...Knaves and Fairies...Everyone smiling, greeting familiar faces with hugs and smiles. It's a place where old friends meet and new ones are made. You enter the world and walk past the castle, past the mead stand into the gorgeous gardens where you can't believe your eyes... There is so much to see and to experience. The flowers are still in full bloom this time of year and the elves and witches frolic amongst them while photographers flock around them.
When you move past the main garden, you get to the stands and stage section where the smell of BBQ and other fires tease your senses. The stands sell all things Wiccans and Pagan, leather goods, medieval clothes, costumes and jewellery. Swords and Manga, movie props and action figures...Self made purses, home grown tea's, honeys and candles. Enough to fill your whole home and life with magic.
I got a lovely silver ring with Celtic design, and a T-rex of about 5cm high from a semi-precious stone for Wilfred. I wanted sooo many more things but I can not afford everything...otherwise my house would be over flowing with figures of Fairies or my closet full of Viking dresses. Hahaha. The sellers are all lovely and always up for a chat and for a few tips.
Then its off to the stages where Orfeo was playing some balfolk music! It's traditional folk music and dancing. I joined the Andro, but I definitely need to practice because I was a bit rusty, but enjoyed myself non the less.
I had a quick lunch and went to see what Wilfred was up too in the Sci-Fi section. He is so enthusiastic about his hobby but still had time for a few words and a few hugs.
My best friend Bart showed up late because he missed the train, but then we hang out all day and watched some bands, and looked at some stands together. Also we wanted to watch the costume contest but its just too loooong so we just decided to walk everywhere and took pics of all the good ones we saw. Which were about 600 of them :-) We ran into a few old friends and spent some time talking to them for a while...I haven’t had long conversations with people at events for a long time, usually its just a quick hello and you run off again, but this time it felt as if it had substance again which is what i really needed. Lots of hugs and positive energy.
We ran into our old friend Sylvester. He use to dress up as Jack Sparrow and we were Will and Elizabeth together. Those were the good old days. We hang out, watching the Pyrates and eating beef Jerky together. The time flies at these events and it was getting cooler and darker fast. Bart and Sylvester went home and I went to Wilfred again where we hung out together with him and his father who was helping with the stand. There was a fantasy art Expo with some originals by Amy Brown, Linda Ravenscroft and Marc Potts..also many others and I was so happy to see their works for real. I got a few excited fan girl pictures taken with the paintings. Terry English also had some stuff on display, most things used in Fantasy films and some armour from Sucker Punch.
We drank mead together and took a stroll over the terrain when it was dark. It turns into a pure magical place at night because all the stands have lights and candles, the re-enactment groups have camp fires and the fire poi's are spinning through the air. Wonderful. We spend time talking to people we didn’t know, just getting a lot of love and smiles.
We went home after 22pm and had I enjoyed a lovely warm shower. I needed to wash off all that clown make up and have a fresh face for day 2!
But oh dear!! When the alarm went on Sunday morning I felt sooo tired that I had trouble getting out of my cosy bed. The day was a lot chillier than Saturday when we had 25 'C . It was cloudy and not going to be dry. Luckily I decided on a simple outfit for day 2. A bit of a Pagan witch. I had dark circles under my eyes but I joked and said it only made my witch more believable. Simple make up and I even decided to leave my wig at home. I am very self-conscious about my own thin hair and feel almost naked without my wigs! We went to the event again at 9am (Wilfred and his dad had to be there early to be with their stand of course) and it was grey and raining.
I spent an hour taking a nap on the back seat. Haha It was wonderful! It was really pouring down and I heard loud thunder but at 10am it was completely dry. I got out of the car, chilly and went to the entrance where I had a lovely hot chocolate to warm myself up. I thought I would hurry and go to Wilfred, seeing as I wasn't wearing an elaborate costume I thought I would not have to stop an pose for pictures so much but I was wrong! What an honour to be stopped and asked for pictures in such a simple dress when there are people walking around in creations that too them 6 months or longer to make. I am truly humbled by all the compliments I get from people on my looks and outfits. Someone told me that I am very fun to work with, because I have personality and that some other, much prettier girls are boring and dull because all they do is stand there and look pretty. I got some lovely pictures taken by a small lake and my reflection looked really great. I am still waiting to receive them but from what I saw I loved them. I spent some time with Wilfred and Bart again and met a few new people who I spent some time with. The day really flew by and at 17pm I had a BBQ pork skewer and sat listening to the band again.

Soon it was time to say good bye and head back to Wilfred's stand again. Everyone was starting to pack up and saying good bye. The ice cream man gave away free ice cream and enjoyed it even more than when we pay for it :-)
It goes well with Mead, surprisingly! Hahaha. We went to the front where a few people were still sitting around and we got some more Mead before heading to Fase 3's camp fire to enjoy more mead.

Finally got to take a shower and get to bed at 23pm. Completely exhausted but HAPPY. What a lovely weekend!!!!